The ODMA eyetalk Reference Guide
The ODMA eyetalk Reference Guide Contains A Wide Range Of Important Reference Information For Daily Use In Your Practice.
The ODMA eyetalk Reference Guide is an authoritative reference manual for optometrists and optical dispensing practices in Australia, which now forms an integral part of effective practice management for the majority of your colleagues.
Reference Guide Features
Valuable features include:
Suggested Retail Prices for Spectacle Lenses; Spectacle Frames; Contact Lenses; CL Care Products & OTC
Ophthalmics & Diagnostics
Specialty Lens Guide & Lens Material Features
Availability Ranges for All Stock Spectacle Lenses
Availability Ranges for All Stock Contact Lenses
The Brand Finder Index of Distributors
Optometrist's Consultation Fees
Veterans Affairs Schedule for Visual Aids
Summary of Health Fund Rebates
Clinical Charts; Progressive Lens Identification & Tables, etc
Supplements; Progressive Lens Guide, Basic Lens Dispensing Book, Equipment Magazine, LOOKBOOK Magazine & other useful items for your practice
Regular Updates
Indeed, with so much useful reference information and comparative figures in each issue, many subscribers now report that the ODMA eyetalk Reference Guide is repeatedly used by their staff every day, for three months. Of course, the ODMA eyetalk Reference Guide is fully updated each quarter to provide practices with current price and product information.
Subscribing To The ODMA eyetalk Reference Guide
The reference guide is only available for subscribers.
Technical Notes:
The online version of ODMA eyetalk is a quick and easy reference which can be accessed using any Internet browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc); and on any computer device, be it PC, Mac, Tablet, Smartphone, Android, etc.
The website will not function properly with any version of Internet Explorer. Explorer is an outdated web browser that is no longer supported, receives updates and cannot function with the latest software technology many websites utilise nowadays. Will work with newer web browsers, as the ones mentioned above and more.