Topcon Henson 9000 Article
The Topcon Henson 9000 perimeter has an ergonomic compact design ideal for space-constrained environments and requires virtually no maintenance. Henson Perimeters have been manufactured in the
UK since 1986, is the perimeter of first choice of UK optometrists, and rapidly increasing in popularity
in Australia. A 24-2 ZATA Standard threshold test can typically be completed with highest sensitivity in well under 3 minutes, or the ZATA Fast threshold typically about 2 minutes per eye reducing patient fatigue and
optimising test reliability and accuracy. Additional test options also include ZATA Standard and ZATA Fast 10-2 and Esterman binocular driving tests. ZATA uses the standard printout format for universal compatibility and comparable test data to gold standard perimeters.
The NFC-600's compact
design makes it easy to
carry and set up. Simple
USB interface offers
flexible connectity to
operate the fundus camera.
NFC-700 AND NFC-600
The truly innovative Fully Automated Crystalvue NFC-600 and 700 Models Non-
Mydriatic Retinal Cameras capture impeccable Crystal-Clear high-resolution fundus
images with a simple single touch.
The NFC-700 is a compact stand-alone retinal camera with integrated Windows 10
touch screen tablet, and an abundance of storage for approximately 100000 retinal
and anterior eye images. The NFC-600 has the same functions but designed for
enhanced portability and interfaces with any Windows PC.
Both these models feature Auto-Alignment, 3D tracking, Auto shoot, selectable fixation
targets, Auto montage and an abundance of image processing features including Cup/
Disc ratio, digital red free and much more…
For further information, please contact BOC Instruments
Ph. 02-96437888 email: