Glaucoma Australia Announces Partnership with Pinstripe Media

Glaucoma Australia today announces its partnership with Pinstripe Media, a specialist small business digital agency. The partnership is part of a wider push to educate and engage with Australian businesses about the fight against eye disease.

The partnership has been driven by Pinstripe Media founder David Koch, who was diagnosed with glaucoma three years ago. The shock diagnosis has seen him not only take on a role as ambassador for Glaucoma Australia, but also commit Pinstripe Media’s support.

Glaucoma Australia CEO Richard Wylie says, “Glaucoma Australia has grown its awareness in the past few years with its Treat Your Eyes campaign fronted by one of Australia’s most loved rock stars, Kirk Pengilly. This year we launched our first fundraising initiative, the 7 Sights in 7 Days Challenge, and the partnership with Pinstripe Media signals our next step in broadening our access into the Australian business community.”

Glaucoma is the leading cause of avoidable blindness worldwide, affecting more than 300,000 Australians, yet it is estimated that 50% of those living with glaucoma are undiagnosed. While nine out of 10 Australians say that sight is their most valued sense1, more than a third have not undergone regular eye examinations, thereby increasing their risk of eye disease remaining undiagnosed2.

“My diagnosis of glaucoma came completely out of the blue and it was a real wake-up call about the importance of eye checks,” says David Koch.

“The Pinstripe Media partnership with Glaucoma Australia will work to educate Australians to take responsibility for their eye health. Just like a regular dental check, your eyes and a visit to your local optometrist should be part of your personal health regimen regardless of whether you wear glasses or not. You can have eye disease without knowing it and the damage is irreversible, so early detection is key,” adds David.

Pinstripe Media’s production capabilities and journalist expertise will be key to creating new and innovative content for Glaucoma Australia’s call to action to have your eyes tested.

“We are excited to be working with Pinstripe Media to raise the profile of Glaucoma Australia and the work it does in supporting Australians living with glaucoma and funding key research to improve treatment, and ultimately find a cure for this disease,” Richard Wylie added.

To find out more about Glaucoma Australia go to:

1. Australian Government Department of Health

2. Optometry Australia, The 2020 Vision Index

For more information, please contact:
Jane Morey | Morey Media | 02 9436 2111 | 0416 097 678 |




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